I had a quiet moment the other night, the pub being a distant fantasy while my snoring bairns were unwittingly relying on me as their sole carer, so obviously I made a silly physics joke into a design. I’m sorry, it’s an illness.
I contemplated just posting it on social media and waiting for the LOLs to roll in (or, more likely, not), but then thought it might make for the kind of fashion statement that makes science nerds so irresistibly appealing in any kind of social or formal occasion.
So by the magic of the internet you can buy a veritable Scheherazade of products bearing this image by visiting this here website. Yes, not just t-shirts like the one shown above, but other useful things, like umbrellas, tote bags, hats and dog bandanas.
(That’s right. There is such a thing as a dog bandana. This is the point to which human evolution has inexorably led us: the mindless, wanton consumption of dog bandanas. I’m pretty sure this is what Bob Thiele and George David Weiss had in mind when they wrote “What a Wonderful World.”)
Anyway, in the spirit of Christmas, Khordad Sal, Yule, Loy Krathong, St. Swithin’s day or whatever delightful ritual you prefer, I’ll be splitting any profits between three excellent and important charities: WellChild (because I’m very fortunate that my kids are healthy, while many aren’t), Sense About Science (because we need evidence based policy), and Code Club (because programming is cool and should be taught to kids).
But most importantly, the t-shirt makes you look like you’ve got tiny green boobs.
Note 1: If money is tight and you can’t even afford a bandana for your dog, please consider retweeting this tweet or sharing the post on my facebook page. Ta.
Note 2: Alternatively, you could just give some money directly to the charities, and miss out the whole dog bandana farce altogether, and we’ll forget this ever happened.